Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Still Alive
Well, I'm still alive after a week and half of sheer terror in the wake of my son's driving. Sorry I haven't posted much, but things are pretty stressful right now.

My friend Cat who lives in Slidell, LA escaped from the hurricane with her family, but she hasn't posted since Monday. I wouldn't really expect her too, but damn I'm worried about her. Send out some prayers for her and everyone who lived through this damn thing. I think the worst is yet to come.

Monday, August 22, 2005

And we're off. Here's my oldest on his very first drive (legally that is). And where do we go? McDonalds of course. I had my foot pressed to the floor board the entire way as well as a death grip on the door handle. I'm so proud yet so scared at the same time.

Thursday, August 18, 2005
I've been posting, honest. The posts are just blogvisible, you can't see them. I wrote them in blogvisible type and the only way to see them are with blogfrared glasses.

Anyway........pause pause pause *eyeroll*

I took S to the doctor on Monday and they changed his med to Zoloft. He felt the Lexapro was not working, just making him tired and fatigued. He started it that day and on Wednesday, he said "this stuff is really working". Ummm, can it work that quick I say with furrowed brows? He really does seem better. I'm just going to keep a close eye.

Now onto a Meme I was tagged for by Trusty Ghetto:
(Is "tagged for by" correct grammerically? hummm, just askin. Is grammerically spelled right here? Is it even a word?) See the kinds of shit that runs constantly through my mind, do ya? huh?

Apparently this Meme has no title, but whatever: (again with the colon, meaning I really am starting this time)
  • When did you move into the neighborhood?
I started blogging last year, but I put myself to sleep and it wasn't pretty. Note last entry.
  • What region of the neighborhood are you from?
I'm live in Akron, Ohio, the "Rubber City". Home of Goodyear, Firestone, and the University of Akron Zips. They play AT, I am NOT shitting you, "The Rubber Bowl."

  • What is your favorite part of our neighborhood?
I read everything. Some funny, serious, sexy, informational. I love it all. I'm a well rounded blogaholic.

  • What is your favorite place to visit 'round these parts?
See my blogroll. I have about 100 more bookmarked in my favorites. I have to say my favorite, favorites are Dooce and DGM.

  • Since I just moved into a new house, I might want to take a short trip to a local place or area. Where would you suggest in your region?
Hmmmm, first, I would only visit, not move here. I would suggest Quaker Square, the old quaker oats factory turned hotel. Fine food too. Then who wouldn't travel 20+ min north to the Gund (now "The Q") to see King James. How bout the world famous Soap Box Derby? For the golfers out there, we will be hosting yet again the NEC Invitational at our own Firestone Country Club.

Pretty impressed aren't cha? Ahh uhhh. We're bad, you know it. blah blah blah.

P.S. Just to be sure, I ran spell check and all those words above apparently are not. Too bad.

Friday, August 12, 2005
Burping, Farting, and Snoring - Oh My!
I am a princess. I wanted to be a prince. I grew up with four brothers and I told my mom that I was supposed to be a boy. No this isn't some wierd " I'm in the wrong body post". Boys have all the advantages. They can stand up to pee. It's a huge advantage especially out in woods where squatting can be dangerous, all the crawly creepy bugs and poison ivy that can get too close to hotbox. They can burp and fart, in public even, and it's acceptable. Awww boys will be boys is the standard saying. They get to do all the disgusting stuff that females don't.

I snore ok. I can't help it. My roommate in college used to pinch my nose shut to get me to stop. My girlfriend currently has a bad case of vertigo and sleeping is not easy for her, what with the spinning and spinning and I'm going to throw up feeling. She was reading in bed last night, and I was getting my pillows arranged for the upmost sleepage comfort and she turns to me and says, I shit you not, "You can't go to sleep yet, cuz you'll snore". WHAT? Can't sleep yet? I snore? Really. If a women says she snores, you just get the "she's not that feminine" impression. Picture it. You've just made love and you're holding each other, the female starts to fall asleep, and bam, she starts snoring. Not just a little rattle of a snore, an all out "Shock and Awe, California land rumbling earthquake" sounding kind of snore. Don't you just have a little less respect for her as a woman? I'd rather be a Prince. It'd save me shoe money.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

As we were driving to Mansfield, in the middle of nowhere mind you, we came across these images on the road. Weird huh? All and all, it was a fun creepy day.

Monday, August 08, 2005
Just a Sunday Ride

D and I took a ride yesterday. We hop in the car and take off with no specific plan in mind.

We used to do this when I was kid. My parents, four brothers and I, all piled into the wood paneled station wagon and head off, destination unknown (in my mind anyway). We would cruise for wild aspargus growing on the sides of the road. If you know what it looks like, you'd be surpised how much there is growing wild. We would also pull off and hunt for wild rasberry and blackberry patches. My mom and dad always seemed to know the right time to pick. There's nothing better that blackberry jam on a homemade biscuit.

We ended up at the Mansfield Reformatory where "The Shawshank Redemption" was filmed. We just missed the tours and would've had to wait around for an hour and half before the next ones started, so we just walked the grounds outside. We want to go back for a Ghost Tour they sponsor, which involves an overnight stay.

Monday, August 01, 2005
The Night the Lights went out in Georgia
A dump truck hit a pole outside our building this morning causing a power outage which in turn meant no internet. What nerve.

Had a great weekend. The boys went with their dad for a weekend away. White water rafting, ATVing, eating, etc. They said it was great time all around.

My girl and I enjoyed the quiet. We read, slept, shopped, tanned, you know, fun stuff.

Back to normal now, "what's there to eat". They're like a bottomless pit I tell ya. I could have a house full of food and they would still say, "there's nothing to eat". Gotta love um.

That's all for today. Thank you.