Thursday, December 28, 2006
My True Love Gave to Me...One Pentax Camera...
Phewwww! It's over. Breathe in - breathe out.

Hey, I like Christmas. I'm not a scrouge. I'm just happy it's over.

Guess what? Y'all know how much I like steak, right? My two wonderful sons bought me a filet for Christmas, isn't that funny! It shows they pay attention. They brought it home and put it in the fridge and I didn't even see it. And it has the picture of sweet baby Jesus on it. I think I'm gonna sell it on Ebay. Nawww, just kidding about the last part!

We put our tree up three weeks ago. There are exactly three, count'um, three ornaments on the tree. Now THAT'S procrastination for ya. We still have time. Three more days till we take it down. But, I don't feel like doing that today. I'll do it tomorrow!

There's a competition going on over at Mama's Rant for the worst Christmas present ever. Enter and win a $25 gift card. Clicky here. And don't put it off (ha ha), it ends on the 3rd. I'd enter, but my memory is not what it used to be. I honestly can't think of a present I didn't like. I'm sure I just blocked it out or something. Or it could be that mental health issue, not sure which.

And now onto the new year where at age 42, I need to seriously take some control and stop letting things just happen to me. I need a life coach or something, a free one! LOL

Y'all have a safe and happy New Years! I love you!

Thursday, December 21, 2006
Auld Lang Syne
I remember back at the end 1986, deep in despair and hopelessness. It was the first time in my life that I couldn't WAIT for Jan. 1st to roll around. I really felt that the ONE day, the 1st, everything would just have to change for the better. It really couldn't have gotten any worse. My wonderful, smart, husband was addicted to drugs. We lost our business and our home. We had two small children that I was about to raise on my own.

What a depressing post right before Christmas huh?

We survived, are surviving. He's been sober a long time and while we aren't together anymore, he's one of my best friends. He still watches out for me and makes me feel safe.

Auld Lang Syne = The good ole days. When were the good ole days? I think it's different for everyone. Could be when I was 5 and still believed in Santa in a sweet naive way. Could be when I was 16 and got my license, or maybe 21 when I could partay! Could be when I was 24 and held my first beautiful baby or the next year when the second came along.

I'm hoping the good ole days will be the good new days! Security, stability, happiness.

Merry Christmas everyone!

p.s. Sounds like I need some Zoloft huh? Maybe!