Friday, May 27, 2005
Starting Over
My blog sucked, so I'm starting it over.

Who knows, it may be even suckier this time.


Blogger Unknown said...

You say that like its a bad thing. If you would just update a bit more It wouldn't suck ass. I still luv you

If having a crappy blog was reason to flush, TMC wouldn't have been floating around in the bowl for the last 6 months. It's nice to have an electronic eraser, though.

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey I wrote a post and sent you a meme, now do it!

Blogger LadyBug said...

Hi FTB, it's Ladybug78 from GB. Come over to my blog sometime! How's your son's bass lessons going? I like your blog and I don't think it sucks! :)

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